Galina Husaruk has been a therapist for more than 20 years. Her foretaste for alternative medicine started at an early age, thanks to an old chiropractor who treated four generations of her family and thanks to her mother who introduced health food into their daily life.

After two years at Mc Gill University (marine biology and physiology) she is moved by the suffering of close friends and undertakes a new path in the realm of alternative medicine. Throughout the years she will graduate in Massage therapy and Hydrotherapy (Sutherland-Chan School and Teaching Clinic at Toronto, in 84), Homeopathy (Centre des Techniques Homéopathiques de Montreal, in 92), Auriculotherapy and Energetical Osteopathy (in 95), Baby Massage (from the International Association of Infant Massage, in 2001), Total Biology (with Claude Sabbah, French cancerologist, in 2002) and in the art of facilitating Family Constellations (with Gilles Placet in 2006). She will continue studying this last approach with experienced facilitators, amongs which are Sneh Victoria Schnabel (Germany) and Suzi Tucker (New York), Mark Wolynn, Cristina Casanova and Francesca Mason Boring (USA), Jan Bily (Czech Republic) and Carola Castillo (Venezuela). Along the way she will also integrate other approaches such as "Bioanalogie" (of Jean-Philippe Brebion), DNA "reprogramming" (Kishori Aird), EFT (emotional freedom technique), etc...

Galina has a private office in Montreal and also leads Family Constellations all over Quebec Province.